Articles on: SubBox

How to set up Subscription widget?

Articles on: SubBox

This function allows you to make modifications to your widget appearance and drive higher subscription conversions. Let's see which things you can set up with it!

Please go to the Settings > Subscription Widget to set up the Widget Configuration, Widget Label and Widget Appearance. Please join with us to find them out in detail

1. Widget Configuration

In here, you can easily customize the widget configuration to suit your subscription models such as whether the subscription plan will be put above One-time purchase or not, the subscription plan will be auto showing right away or needing to click on,...

2. Widget Label

In here, you can easily customize the widget label, which makes your customers easily understand subscription plans such as Pay as you go frequency text, Percentage discount text, Fixed amount discount text,...

3. Widget Appearance

In here, you can easily customize the widget appearance to attract your customers such as color of Text of the Widget, font of Purchase options, Layout,...

After done, you can Preview it before Save and Publish

Please note: if you only want to show the subscription options on a specific product page, you can tick on the box Only show this product with these purchase options on your Shopify admin. This product page will not show the One-time purchase option.

If you have any further questions about this, don't hesitate to contact us via in-app live chat or email at

Updated on: 31/12/2023

Updated on: 16/04/2024

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