Articles on: OmniSell

From Product Center to Push to Channel

Articles on: OmniSell

Product Center is a place that contains all products that were synced from your Shopify, Etsy or eBay while Push to Channel is a place where you can manage products that you want to push to Shopify, Etsy or eBay.

At Product Center, click on Add to Preparation List button under the item(s) you want them to be in the Preparation List before they are pushed to eBay.

In case you want to import the products in bulk to Preparation List, please simply tick on the Select box at the top or you can choose all the ones you need by ticking in their boxes, then hit Add ... products to Preparation List button. When the process is successful, they will be in the Preparation List section in the Push to Channel tab.

At Preparation List in the Push to Channel tab, you are able to push each item or push them all at once to your Shopify Store.

Each item: Tick box the products you want → Select Push to Shopify

In bulk: Select Product tick box → Select Push to Shopify

At Preparation List in the Push to Channel tab, you are able to push each item or push them all at once to your eBay Store.

Each item: Tick box the products you want → Select Push to eBay

In bulk: Select Product tick box → Select Push to eBay

At Preparation List in the Push to Channel tab, you are able to push each item or push them all at once to your Etsy Store.

Each item: Tick box the products you want → Select Push to Etsy

In bulk: Select Product tick box → Select Push to eBay

The items which have been successfully approved by the Sales Channel that you push your items to will be placed in the Listings tab.

You can click on "View on ..." to check your items directly from that platform

If you have any question about OmniSell, don't hesitate to contact us via live chat or email us at

Updated on: 10/01/2024

Updated on: 16/04/2024

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