Articles on: OmniSell

Add new Etsy store in-app

Articles on: OmniSell

Besides the Etsy Shop that has been successfully connected when you first signed up the app, you can thoroughly add new shops here.

Click Store Management tab

Click Add new store

Then choose the option to Push or Pull items:

In the popup tab, click Google Mail, Facebook or Apple ID to log in your Etsy store and connect to the app.

Then, click Grant Access to allow the app connect your Etsy Shop.

Once OmniSell is connect with Etsy Shop succesfully, kindly fulfill the needed templates: Profile Template & Shipping Template. Later, you have the option of adding another template.

After that, you may verify the newly added store by visiting Store Management. Besides, you are able to remove stores in this section.

If you have any question about OmniSell, don't hesitate to contact us via live chat or email us at

Updated on: 10/01/2024

Updated on: 16/04/2024

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