Articles on: Socialwidget

Social Account

Articles on: Socialwidget

Manage Social Accounts

Add new Instagram Personal/ Business Account to Socialwidget

Get a new access token for Instagram

The difference between an Instagram Business account and Instagram Personal account

What is Media Source?

Create new media source using Instagram Personal Account

Create new media source using Instagram Business Account

Create new media source using Instagram Hashtag

Create new media source using Business Discovery

Manage Media Source

What is Gallery?

Manage Galleries

Create a gallery

What is Shoppable Features?

Tag products/ variants to image/video/carousel

What is Widget?

Create new widget for Instagram post

Create widget with creative template

Create new widget for Instagram stories

Create new widget for Tiktok videos

Manage Widgets

Widget templates

Change layout of widget

Change heading of widget

Change items settings in widget

Change popup settings in widget

Install widget on Shopify store

Preview widget before publish it

Add CTA buttons to widget

The report of your Instagram feed

Updated on: 09/01/2024

Updated on: 16/04/2024

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