Articles on: SubBox

How to set up email notification?

Articles on: SubBox

This function allows you to manage the email notifications sent to you and your customers. Let's see which things you can set up with it!

Please go to the Settings > Email Notification to set up the Admin notifications and Customer notifications. Please join with us to find them out in detail

Firstly, please enter your email address if you want to receive notifications. Then you can click into the 3 dots icon to Edit or Test the notifications

After you choose Edit a notification template, you will be redirected to the Edit email template page, you can edit the subject, logo, main content,... of the notification mail.

Please note:
- If you are finding the way to create a logo URL, please click HERE
- The Subject box is made the email title.

You can also click this icon to choose the existing fields

After editing, you can Preview it before Save and Publish, then turn on the notification.

If you have any further questions about this, don't hesitate to contact us via in-app live chat or email at

Updated on: 31/12/2023

Updated on: 16/04/2024

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