Articles on: SubBox

How to create a subscription plan?

Articles on: SubBox

With SubBox, you can create a plan easily

Follow this instruction below to manage your plan

In the Apps section, go to SubBox > Subscription in the left menu, now start to set your subscription plan.

Go to Plan tab > click on the Create a Plan button to start set up your plan

There are 2 main parts to create a plan

I. Plan settings

Please fill out the plan name which can be loyal customer's name/ product name or subscription name..., is only visible for you and help you manage plan. Then choose products that you need to create a plan with which can be one or many product/ product variants in a subscription

II. Frequency

SubBox provides you 3 kinds of plan type, in this step you need to set the frequency for your plan.
- Pay as you go: This plan is suitable for using when you want to automatically charge your subscribers for the period time such as every month, every week, every 2 days,...

- Prepaid: This plan type allows the customer to make a single payment upfront for orders that will be delivered on a repeat basis. And it will be canceled when the cycle ends.

- Prepaid (auto renew): This plan type is an upper-level Prepaid One-time plan. Nevertheless, it will automatically renew the billing cycle until the customer cancels the subscription.

In Pay as you go , fill in the "Order Frequency" to manage your subscription. It can be based on Day/ Week/ Month or Year

In "Prepaid One-time Plan", fill in the "Fulfillment frequency" to manage your subscription. It can be based on Day/ Week/ Month or Year

In "Prepaid (auto renew)", fill in the "Fulfillment frequency" to manage your subscription. It can be based on Day/ Week/ Month or Year

Please jump to the section you want to explore:

Pay as you go

How to create a subscription with plan type Pay as you go?


How to create a subscription with plan type Prepaid?

Prepaid (auto renew)

How to create a subscription with plan type Advanced Prepaid?

Explanation of 3 subscription plan types

Updated on: 31/12/2023

Updated on: 16/04/2024

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