Articles on: FeedHub

How to use the Score feature to review feeds and edit basic product information

With the aim of bringing users more useful features, we released the Score feature on September 16, 2021. This feature will evaluate the optimization of some data fields and allows you to edit them directly in the app to optimize products to improve ad performance.


In Facebook Feed, you can see the Score of each item (This score is an average of all listed field scores), please click into the product title that you want to edit, you will be redirected to the Item Detail, then kindly click the Score tab.

There are 6 listed field scores, you can click Edit Field to edit them.

Facebook Product Category
Product type

Kindly click View full analysis, you can see the Pass and Fail boxes.

The Pass box will display elements for which this field has met the requirements, the Fail box will display elements for which this field has not yet met the requirements.

After you completely edit the field has met all requirements, you can see the score is 100/100 as shown below

After you've edited, you can preview your items will display on Facebook Ads

Besides, if you want to reuse the information on Shopify, you can click Reset to


Similar to Facebook feed, you can see the Score of each item on Google Feed and adjust them. However, Google has some requirements different Facebook. There are 7 listed field scores that you can edit:

Google Product Category
Product type

After you've edited, you can preview your items will display on Google Shopping and Product Ads List

This score is evaluated based on the criteria suggested by Facebook and Google, please ignore if you have your own criteria.

This feature is only available to the plans from Professional and higher, please refer to the plans HERE

If you have any further question about the Score feature, don't hesitate to contact us via in-app live chat or email at

Updated on: 11/01/2024

Updated on: 25/04/2024

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