Articles on: Socialpublish

How to shorten your links automaticallyShorten your links with our own serviceShorten your links with

Articles on: Socialpublish

Shorten your link automatically whether you are creating post individually, or schedule posts with Autopilot. Bye bye long links!

You can choose between using our service (OneCommerce) and Bitly to shorten your links.

If you use our service, then there is no need to sign up for a Bitly account, or log into an existing one. All the links will be shortened within one click!

To use this feature, simply go to Settings > Enable Shorten Link > Choose Use SocialHead > Save Settings

If you prefer to use, go to General Settings > Enable Shorten Link > Choose Use account > Login to

If you do not have a Bitly account yet, then you need to sign up for one in the pop-up window. After logging in, your account name will appear as below.

Remember to click Save Settings to activate the shorten link feature.

Afterward, whenever you create a post using Create Post or schedule multiple posts using Autopilot, the link will be automatically shortened.

If you have any additional questions or need further assistance, we're here to help! You can email us at Our team will be happy to provide any support or information you need.

Updated on: 10/01/2024

Updated on: 16/04/2024

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