Articles on: FeedHub

How to set up and schedule sync your Product Source for the first time

After installing FeedHub here, you will be led to the Set up page. Let us guide you to set up a product source that suits your needs the best.

First step: Source filter

Platform account

In here, you can see which store are being connected to the app

Product source filter

You can choose to create your feed from All Products in your store, or from Specific Collections only

Exclude products

With this feature, you have the option to exclude specific products from syncing to the app. You can exclude products manually, or set up rules to exclude a wide range of products automatically.

Exclude specific products manually: Enable this function, then choose Select Products. You can search products by name and click Insert to have them excluded. The excluded products will be listed by their IDs.

Exclude products by rules: The products that met the conditions you set will be excluded from the source. Enable this function, then click on Condition(s), choose Field - Operator and input your value.

You can set up two types of condition, which are OR and AND to best suit your needs. To learn more about this feature, please refer to our article here.

Second step: Source setting

Product Title and Descriptions preference

You are able to choose between using the products' titles and descriptions as they are in-store (Default title), or use them from the SEO section.

If you choose Use from SEO, your titles and descriptions will be taken from the Edit website SEO section in Shopify. This function is useful if you want to optimize your titles and descriptions, and you want them to be different from the ones in-store.

Include variants

If you want to only include the first variant of each product, choose First variant. If you want to include all variants of each product, choose All variants.

Hidden products

If you do not want to import unavailable products in your store to the feed, turn off Import unpublished products. This allows our app to only sync available products to the feed.

Price setting

If you enable this setting, our app will sync both the Price and Compare At Price and upload them to Google Merchant Center/Facebook Catalog.

If you disable this setting, our app will only sync the Price and upload it to Google Merchant Center/Facebook Catalog.

Third step: Schedule sync

A lot of our users update their product information regularly, so a scheduled sync is of great help. You can pick a frequency or a specific time/day to match your update schedule, which results in your listing always stay fresh.

Hourly: You can set a daily frequency, the minimum is every 3 hours and the maximum is every 12 hours starting from a specific time. You can also choose the time zone.

Daily: You can set a specific hour at which the products will be updated daily.

Weekly: You are able to choose a specific day of the week for the app to update your products.

Press Finish and your source is all set up! Now you can create your feed on Google and Facebook in a flash. Please refer to this article to create a Google feed, this article to create a Facebook feed, and this one to create an FBE feed to set up your feed properly.

If you have any further concern, you can always reach out to us via in-app live chat or email at

Updated on: 17/04/2024

Updated on: 25/04/2024

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