Articles on: FeedHub

How to conduct Source management (include/exclude collections, exclude specific products and variants, schedule sync, sync meta fields)

With the aim of developing the most comprehensive application for our users, FeedHub comes back with a brand new look and a brand new experience. Let's see the changes in this new version.

Source Management

In here, we display all your sources with separate settings for each one so you can easily adjust the settings to your preference. Moreover, we also add many new features such as (Include/Exclude Collections, Exclude Specific Products and Variants, Schedule Sync and Manually Sync Meta Fields). We will guide you through the new interface and new features.

Specifically, you are able to see the list of stores that you have connected to the app. Click Edit to go to the Setting section of each store.

List of Shopify stores

Manage Account

In here, you can see the account that you connected to the app, its total products and variants.

Source Filter

Some users have voiced the need to exclude specific collections/products/variants from syncing to the app, so we add this feature so you can have better control of your product listing. Specifically, you have the option to exclude products manually, or set up rules to exclude a wide range of products automatically.

Exclude collections manually: Kindly choose Exclude Collections, then click Add Collections to choose specific collections that you want to exclude. You can search collections by name to find a collection faster.

Exclude specific products manually: Enable this function, then choose Select Products. You can search products by name and click Insert to have them excluded. The excluded products will be listed by their IDs.

Exclude specific variants manually: And especially, if a product has many variants, and you only want to sync one/or a few of them. For example, your product has 10 variants, you only want to sync 7 variants, you can exclude 3 variations that you don't want to sync. Please choose Select Products, you can see the popup is displayed, you need to drop down button and then variants ID what you want to exclude. The excluded variants will be listed by their IDs.

Exclude products by rules: The products that met the conditions you set will be excluded from the source. Enable this function, then click on Condition(s), choose Field - Operator and input your value.

You can set up two types of condition, which are OR and AND to best suit your needs.
Example 1: I want to exclude products that are priced under $10. I choose the Field [P] Price, then choose Operator Less than, type the keyword 10.

Example 2: If I want to exclude the products that are priced under $10 AND related to shoes, I press on Sub-Condition to create an AND condition. Then, I choose the field [P] Products Title, choose Operator Contains and input keyword Shoes.

Example 3: If I want to exclude products that are priced under $10 OR related to shoes, I choose Condition(s) to create an OR condition. Then, I choose the field [P] Products Title, choose Operator Contains and input keyword Shoes.

Sources Setting

In this section, we keep all the settings the same. A small change is now you are able to select the content of the title and description separately. In details, you can choose to use the default title/description, or use the SEO ones.

Schedule Sync

A lot of our users update their product information regularly, so a scheduled sync is of great help. You can pick a frequency or a specific time/day to match your update schedule, which results in your listing always stay fresh.

Hourly: You can set a daily frequency, the minimum is every 3 hours and the maximum is every 12 hours starting from a specific time. You can also choose the time zone.

Daily: You can set a specific hour at which the products will be updated daily.

Weekly: You are able to choose a specific day of the week.

Manually Sync Meta Fields

When you created a Meta Field on Shopify, you can manually sync them to our app by pressing this button. To learn more about Meta Field, please refer to our article here.


If you have any further assistance, don't hesitate to contact us via in-app live chat or email at

Updated on: 12/02/2025

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