Articles on: Socialwidget

Change Heading of Widget Basic Choose and show your account information

Articles on: Socialwidget

Customize the widget's heading to match the style of your page.

Edit or Disable the Tittle and Description of the heading


Double-click: to edit the content and adjust the format text


Add Emoji into inline editor

More emoji, more vibes 😍 Let's choose appropriate emoji for your inline editor to make it more attractive!
Select Widget tab

Double-click on Title and Description text

Tap the Emoji icon to see all available emoji and select your favorites.

The font of these fields is automatically matched with the main font of your theme. We are also working on the feature that lets you choose your own font, so stay tuned!

Choose the profile needs to be displayed.

Click Edit or Double-click on Follow button to change the text


Due to the Instagram API limitions, your profile picture, the amount of followers and followings are only shown by Instagram Professional account

If you meet any issue while trying to fix these errors, do not hesitate to drop us a message in the live chat or email us at We would love to help you out!

Updated on: 25/02/2025

Updated on: 25/02/2025

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