Articles on: FeedHub

How to manage all your products in Product Center

All your products from all sources, under one roof. This gives you better knowledge and control of your items.

View all products

You will be able to all your products in the form of a grid or list view. The amount of products or variants you have is also displayed here.

Grid view

Grid view

List view

List view

View the source of product

Since FeedHub allows you to connect multiple stores to your account, you can also view the source of product in here.

View details of product

To be able to know details of your product synced from Shopify, you now can see it by clicking on product in Product Center, the overview board will show up. We have 3 tabs for you: Detail - Variants - Gallery. The basic details such as product title, description, availability, vendor,.. will be in Detail.

And you can check your variants as well as all of image products here.

Resync specific product

Instead of taking a long time to resync all of your products from Shopify, our app now allows you to manually resync specific product in Product Center.

In Product Center, click on the product that you've edited in Shopify, you'll able to see the Resync button.

Once you've changed your product information on Shopify then clicking on Resync, that product will be updated immediately.

Submitted Channel

This feature will help you know which sales channel that your products have been submitted.

You can also see it in Product Center:

Grid view

List view

Specific product

We are still on our way to improve the Product Center so please stay tuned for the upcoming changes! ****

Those are all the changes with the feed setup and feed setting. If you have any question, don't hesitate to contact us via live chat or email us at

Updated on: 17/04/2024

Updated on: 25/04/2024

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