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How to fix common errors in Facebook Catalog (Errors related to product title)

Errors related to product title

Here are some common errors related to product title that you might get:

Title too long

If you use more than 150 characters for the title, this error will appear. You should keep your title concise and accurate while avoid keyword stuffing.

Uppercase tittle

Facebook disapproves the titles that are writen in all caps since people may associate all caps with spam or misleading marketing. To fix this error, you should use normal letter with correct spelling and grammar.

You can refer to the Product Title Specification to know Facebook's requirements and recommendation for product titles.

If you encounter an error that is not stated in this article, feel free to contact us via in-app live chat or email at we would love to help you out!

Updated on: 17/04/2024

Updated on: 25/04/2024

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