Articles on: OnePixel

How to enable Conversion API for Facebook pixel

Articles on: OnePixel

The Conversions API is designed to create a direct connection between your marketing data and the systems which help optimize ad targeting, decrease cost per action and measure results across Meta (Facebook) technologies. Please refer to this article for more information.

Enable Conversion API

You need to have a Facebook access token to turn on the Conversion API. Let me show you how to find it.

Please access the URL:**enter the pixel ID that you connected with our app**
You will be redirected to the page as follows:

Please click the Settings tab and scroll down to find the Conversions API. At the Set up manually on Conversions API, please click Generate access token
You can press Ctrl + F to search Generate access token, it will help you find it quickly

After that, please copy this token

After having it, please go back our app > Edit > enable Conversion API > enter the FB access token > Save to complete the process.

Check Conversion API

After enabling Conversion API, please click into the Test events tab, kindly copy the test event code.

Then please come back to our app > Edit > enter the test event code > Save to complete the process.

After that, please enter your website URL > click into the Open website button to go to your storefront and test the events.

Our app tracks 6 events through Conversion API: Search, View content, Add to cart, AddPaymentInfo, Initiate checkout & Purchase events.

You will see the events are tracked with the connection method is Server, it is Conversion API.

Please important note: after checking at the Test events tab, please go back our app to remove the test event code. Otherwise, actual events performed by your visitors won’t be sent properly to the pixel’s Overview tab.

The Conversion API feature is only available for the Standard, Professional, Advanced plans.

Updated on: 24/01/2024

Updated on: 16/04/2024

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