Articles on: OnePixel

Why do you need to match the event IDs that are tracked on your website with your items on Catalog?

Articles on: OnePixel

Meta Advantage+ catalog ads (previously known as dynamic ads) automatically show relevant items from your catalog to people who have searched for, viewed or interacted with them on your website. To set up Advantage+ catalog ads, you'll need to create and install a Meta Pixel and add the required standard events and parameters. Then you'll need to create a catalog, add items to it and connect your pixel to your catalog. Please refer to this article for more information.

You must set up certain Meta Pixel events and parameters in order to run Meta Advantage+ catalog ads for products.
To run Advantage+ catalog ads for products, your pixel must include the following standard events:



These events must contain specific parameters to help us match items on your website to items in your catalog. Please refer this article for more information.

By default, OnePixel app tracks and syncs these parameters as below:
- content_ids: the product ID (for the product has one variant) or the product group ID (for the product has multiple variants)
- contents: variant id and the quantity

In order to match items on your website to items in your catalog, you need to sync the Product ID for the Group ID of your products on Facebook Catalog.
Currently, we have the FeedHub app that is a robust product feed sync and management app for feed creation & submission to Google Shopping, TikTok & Facebook channels.
With this app, you can easily configure and sync the Product ID for the Group ID of your products on Facebook Catalog.
Please refer this image to know on how to set it up.

If you have any further questions about this, don't hesitate to contact us via in-app live chat or email at

Updated on: 23/01/2024

Updated on: 21/04/2024

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