Articles on: OnePixel

Get Started with TikTok in OnePixel

Articles on: OnePixel

Once you have connected your TikTok pixel to our app, the app will automatically insert the pixel code into your website, you do not do that manually. Then it will track actions from your customers that people visit your website. After that, the events will be synced to your TikTok Event Manager report. There are 8 events that TikTok pixel can track:

- View content
- Add to cart
- Initiate checkout
- AddPaymentInfo
- Place an order
- Complete payment
- Purchase
- Search

For the AddpaymentInfo event, it is only available for the Conversion API.


A TikTok Account which already connected with TikTok Business.
A Shopify Store with Owner Account Permission.

In order to connect your TikTok pixel to our app, you need to hover into TikTok platform, and you will have 2 methods:

1.1. Auto input pixel method (Connect to your account and let the system automatically set up your Pixel ID)

Firstly, please make sure you are logged into the right TikTok business account that is managing the pixels you want. Then click on the Auto input pixel button, and a TikTok popup will appear, please click Confirm to give OnePixel to access your Tiktok account. You can change this account later whenever you want in Settings page.

If you have the "system error" when connecting my Tiktok business account, please click here to find the solution.

Next, you have to choose a TiKTok Ad Account from your connect Account. If you don’t have any TikTok Ad Account, you can not using all functions of the app.

Then, in the next dropdown, please choose a TikTok Pixel that you need to set as Main Pixel. This pixel will be installed on all you Shopify Storefront pages. Click on the Finish button to complete the process.

In this step, the app will connect the pixel with the target as Entire page in default.

1.2. Manual input pixel method (You can set it up manually without connecting your account)
Please note that this method doesn't support pulling the event data to Analytics tab on the app.

With this method, you only need to fill all necessary information. After that click Save to complete.

- Your pixel name
- The TikTok Pixel ID
- Target: there are 3 targets
+ Entire page: the pixel will be automatically inserted into all pages on your website, this means the pixel will be tracked on all pages.
+ Collection: the pixel will be automatically inserted into the product page of the products contained in the collection that you chose.
+ Tag: the pixel will be automatically inserted into the product page of the products that have the Tag that you chose.

Now your pixel has been inserted into your website for tracking events.

View Tracking Event on Shopify Website with TikTok Pixel Helper. You can download this from Google Extension here.

With Auto input pixel method, the app will pull the event data from TikTok Event Manager and show them on Analytics tab

Please note: Please note: Tiktok limits the showing data in last 30 days.

Updated on: 17/01/2024

Updated on: 16/04/2024

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